The Dementia Carers' Respite Team

The Trustees and the advisory council members of our charity have a wealth of relevant experience and are fully committed to achieving its goals. This valuable experience includes the following:

  • Running national and international companies, local community organisations and societies
  • Managing charities
  • Marketing, public relations, media planning and events organisation
  • Fund-raising
  • Specific sector knowledge, for example, experience with Alzheimer's Society UK, Alzheimer's Research International and direct first-hand experience as dementia family carers.


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Advisory Team

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Future Plans

As with any new business, building the right team is an essential, yet time consuming task. Dementia Carer’s Respite charity is still in this vital phase of its growth. Over the next few months, we will be recruiting further trustees as well as advisors in specialist fields such as fund raising, project management, customer relationship management (CRM) and finance.

If you have any of these skills and just a few hours a week that you could spare to help in this worthwhile cause, please contact us at 

All the work we do benefits the full-time family carers and their health and well-being.