We are currently building alliances and relationships to help dementia carers in Buckinghamshire.
Like all organisations in both the charity and non-charity sectors, Dementia Carers' Respite needs partners to work with. Only by doing this will we achieve our ambitious goals and really be able to reach out to those carers of people living with dementia with the greatest need.
We are still in our infancy as a charity, but we are already getting donations and grants from local councils, collaborating with dementia carers’ organisations and forming associations with like-minded bodies and individuals.
We are proud to list the organisations below as partners and are extremely grateful for their support.

We know that a few more will join the list soon so watch this space.
Of course, monetary donations are fundamental to our success but, if our cause resonates with you, you may want to help us in other ways, for example, helping to spread the word and raise awareness of the valuable work we are doing.
As we set off on this exciting and aspirational journey to support dementia carers in Buckinghamshire, we urge you to contact us and let us know how you can contribute towards this worthwhile goal.