Local Triathlon Veronica Green-Jones raised £1005 for Dementia Carers Respite
On the 17th of September Veronica presented the cheque of the money she raised to Dementia Carers
Respite patron Mr Eric Knowles in a small but select gathering organised by Events Director Parviez
Aslam MBE.
A superhuman effort at Blenheim Palace, She achieved an unbelievable 8 triathlons over day and a
half in June with a total of 5,300m lake swimming, 146km of cycling and c.45km of running.
Veronica said “I really enjoyed the challenge of the Weekend Warrior event, the run from the finish of
one race to the start of the next is not included in the official total running distance, but you certainly
feel it haha!
Choosing Dementia Carers Respite as the Charity of choice was easy. It is a local charity giving much
needed respite to Family Carers left alone to struggle without NHS or council support.”
Walid Marzouk founder & Chair, said “we are deeply grateful for Veronica, every penny raised will
go to support local dementia families. Buckinghamshire needs more Veronicas”
Local Triathlon raised £1005 for our Charity