Great triumph for Veronica at Blenheim Palace

Congratulations to Veronica Green-Jones on an excellent triathlon effort, taking place on June 1st and 2nd at Blenheim Palace for Dementia Cares Respite. She achieved an unbelievable 8 triathlons over the 2 days, with a total of 5,300m lake swimming, 146km of cycling and c.45km of running

We are delighted and grateful for her support and commitment – charities need more Veronicas!

Here is her account of how the exciting event panned out:

"I really enjoyed the challenge of the Weekend Warrior event and here is a little race report as requested - out of 124 Weekend Warrior competitors I was third overall of all men and women of any age and first female overall. The event ran for longer on the Saturday so I achieved 5 triathlons on that day with a total distance of 3,400m of lake swimming, 93km of cycling and c.29km of running before driving back to Buckinghamshire, putting my children to bed and another 4.50 am alarm call the next morning. On Sunday, the event only ran from 8.30am - 12.30pm, but I squeezed in a further 3 triathlons bringing the weekend total to 5,300m of lake swimming, 146km of cycling & c.45km of running (including the running I had to do between the races and the lake and the transition zone). This was the maximum possible for the weekend.

It might sound hellish to some, but believe it or not I find these types of events exhilarating (maybe not the early morning alarm!).

The run from the finish of one race to the start of the next is not included in the official total running distance, but you certainly feel it haha! I love running, but am struggling with sciatica after12km at the moment so had to dig quite deep to keep going for 33km of the running total. I look at my running splits and roll my eyes, but at least I didn't have to walk! Saturday was cold and windy and Sunday felt very hot. Each temperature has its advantages and disadvantages. Running is easier in the cool, but in a wet trisuit on a windy bike ride, we all felt frozen at times
on Saturday, I think!

The event was completely made by the beautiful grounds of Blenheim and my wonderful friends who lugged a rucksack around and ferried my race number, trainers and swimming things in and out of the transition zone so I could do triathlons back-to-back. Also, the upbeat volunteers with whom I passed many a word and a wave on countless laps, as well as the very jolly compère at the end of the race. I hope she knows she is good at her job.

Thank you again for your support. My Just Giving page shall stay open until the 3rd September. It's a privilege to fundraise for such a great cause and wouldn't it be nice to hit £1000? Please give if you can."

Celebrity Antiques’ Valuation Day – Postponed

We are so disappointed to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, the Celebrity Antique Valuation Day at Waddesdon Manor, scheduled for the 20th of June 2024, has been postponed.

We understand that this event was highly anticipated, and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Dementia Carers Respite, our wonderful patron, BBC personality Eric Knowles, along with the dedicated staff at Waddesdon Manor, are wholeheartedly committed to hosting this event. Rest assured; you will be the first to know as soon as a new date is confirmed. Keep a look out for an announcement on this page or our website and really hope that you will still be able to join us.


From Eric Knowles
To anyone interested in antiques

As the proud Patron of this wonderful charity (Dementia Carers Respite), I wish to invite you to a fundraising event where every penny raised will go to give desperately needed respite to dementia family carers who spend 24/7 looking after loved ones.

The Celebrity Antiques' Valuation Day is a ticket-only event (open both to National Trust members and the general public) takes place on the 20th of June 2024 at Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire.

Alongside me, I will have 4 colleagues who are TV personalities and experts in various specialities and ready to hopefully surprise you with the value of the articles you bring.

Valuations will take place from 12.00 to 17.00 at the Stables complex of Waddesdon Manor and it will be for up to 2 items per ticket holder.
Valuation time slots will be given, so for the rest of day you can enjoy the beautiful gardens, visit the house and enjoy a pleasant lunch, or a snack and a drink.

At the Stables complex, you will also have the opportunity to meet expert restorers, bid in a silent auction for a two-night’s stay in a wonderful Grade II house in Cheltenham or simply get a raffle ticket. All the while being serenaded by soft relaxing music.

To buy tickets click here but, if you cannot join us on the day, please make a donation on this site.
For more information on the campaign click here where you can also donate.

This exclusive fundraising event is only possible thanks to the kindness and support from the Waddesdon Manor management team to whom we are hugely grateful.

This is a great opportunity for a lovely day at one of England’s most treasured houses - and much more.

We expect tickets to be in high demand and available only on a first come first serve basis, so book your place now.

Charity Patron and Antiquarian

Eric Knowles


35 Years with Bonhams Auctioneer, 25 years as a senior director responsible for English, continental and asian ceramics glass and works of art.

In his 43rd year working on thr BBC's Antiques Roadshow and nine years as a presenter on BBC's Bargain hunt.


‘John Benjamin is a Jewellery historian, author and broadcaster. In 2021 he was appointed Honorary Jewellery Adviser to the National Trust and lectures in the UK and overseas on a wide range of topics including Antique Jewellery, Diamonds and Faberge’.

Not another dementia charity? Yes, but read on.

In 2022 Dementia was the leading cause of death in England and Wales, while many charities exist, doing great work, we believe that none provide the service we will be offering. We will fund professional carers to visit and provide much-needed respite to family carers at their own home.

The respite we will fund, is to protect the health and wellbeing of family carers of qualifying Buckinghamshire-based dementia patients. The carers we will provide, will be dementia-trained from organisations operating under the umbrella of the Quality Care Commission.

Many medical conditions enable patients and their families to receive Continuing HealthCare (CHC) by the NHS with financial assistance. Shockingly, dementia patients do not automatically qualify. As a result, those with means are able to seek private care, whilst many of those without, fall between the cracks and are left for a family carer to care for them.

These valuable carers are the hardest hit, often having issues of their own but trying to do the utmost for their patient. The outcome is that often they are physically and mentally exhausted, suffering a toxic mix of guilt and bereavement for the virtual loss of a loved one.

This is where Dementia Carer’s Respite comes in, as the charity that cares for the family carers themselves.

  • We are looking to form an “expert panel” of dementia family carers. If you are a practicing dementia family carer and comfortable to talk about it, we would like to talk to you.
  • We need volunteers with 5-7 hours a week to spare to help with the running of this charity. If you have skills that would benefit the charity, we would love you to join us.
  • Are you able to empathise with the desperate plight of family carers - watching their loved one virtually disappear before their eyes with the effective loss of their own life as they spend 24/7 caring for them, without even a few hours of respite? If you are, please donate - even a small amount will help.

Andrew Ketteringham, former director of external affairs at Alzheimer’s Society and Vice Chair of Alzheimer’s Disease International, says, “I am delighted to see the need being recognised in Buckinghamshire and a charity being established to meet that need”.

TV Bargain Hunt star Eric Knowles becomes patron of Bucks charity

BARGAIN Hunt's antiquarian Eric Knowles has become a patron of a new Buckinghamshire charity helping family dementia carers.

Dementia Carers Respite, an exclusively Buckinghamshire charity, aims to provide much-needed support to family carers of dementia patients in the area.

Recently registered, the organisation's mission is to preserve and protect the health and well-being of family carers by funding respite through dementia-trained carers from organizations under the Quality Care Commission.

Despite this alarming statistic, dementia does not automatically qualify for NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC), leaving many individuals and their families to seek private care at a significant cost.

While those with means can afford care at £35 per hour or £1500 per week, those without are left with limited options and rely mainly on their family and partners for care.
Founder and Chairman Walid Marzouk said: "It is the carers themselves who bear the brunt of the challenges associated with dementia care. Often dealing with their own issues, they tirelessly strive to care for their loved ones.

"However, the impact on their physical and mental well-being can be significant, leading to exhaustion and a mix of guilt and bereavement for the virtual loss of their loved one.
"Dementia Carers Respite recognizes the tremendous strain placed on carers and aims to address this issue by providing them with much-needed respite."
With donations, the charity will be able to fund professional dementia carers throughout Buckinghamshire, offering family carers the opportunity to recharge and enjoy time with friends and family or even some much-needed time alone.

In Buckinghamshire, there are an estimated 9,437 people living with dementia, with around 714 mid-stage patients supported by a family carer who may qualify for the services provided by Dementia Carers Respite.

Although the charity is still in its infancy, it has assembled an experienced board of trustees and a panel of advisors with extensive expertise in dementia and Alzheimer's.
The founder and chairman of Dementia Carers Respite, Walid Marzouk, was inspired to establish the organization after seeing a BBC news story highlighting the plight and suffering of family carers.

He added: "A BBC news item, highlighting the plight and suffering of family carers motivated me to set up Dementia Carers Respite and I hope it will spur everyone on to give and support.

"Eric Knowles & Dementia Carers Respite Trustees are delighted that TV personality Mr Eric Knowles has agreed to become our Patron. He is famous for programs such Bargain Hunt.

He hopes that the charity's establishment will encourage others to give their support.

Andrew Ketteringham, former director of external affairs at Alzheimer's Society and Vice Chair of Alzheimer's Disease International, said: “I am delighted to see the need being recognised in Buckinghamshire and a charity being established to meet that need.

Dementia Carer’s Respite Golf Event with Eric Knowles

Dementia Carers’ Respite, the charity that cares for family dementia carers themselves, hosted a Golf Day and Presentation Fundraiser on Thursday October 19th 2023, with special guest Eric Knowles, well-known TV antiques veteran.

The event took place at Harewood Downs Golf Club in Chalfont-St-Giles, Bucks, in aid of the Dementia Carer’s Respite charity.

Founded only in March this year, Dementia Carers’ Respite is all about preserving and protecting health and well-being by funding professional respite at home for Buckinghamshire’s family carers of dementia sufferers of limited means.

Following an entertaining (if slightly soggy) golf event for those participating, there was a presentation dinner which included some words about the charity by its Chair, Walid Marzouk, including its mission to lighten the burden of family carers in an environment where dementia is now the biggest cause of death in this country. It also included an after-dinner speech from the charity’s patron, Eric Knowles, who spoke movingly of his own experiences, having lost both parents to the cruel killer that is dementia.

The charity was overwhelmed by the generosity of attendees, having raised £3118 profits which will all go towards funding respite at home for dementia family carers.

To make a donation or to volunteer for the charity, go to or